I tried it with my mobile lamps - the pictures got too yellowish. I tried several positions in combination with daylight, lamps, etc. and every picture looked bad in one or the other way.
That's the reason why I haven't posted any pictures in the last few weeks.
It's quite hard to find the time for painting anyway - late evenings are the only time I have. Apart from lots of private stuff, my job is quite time consuming.
Nevertheless, I use as much time as possible to move on with my projects. One of them is a small vignette that shall show all the Brunswick regiments which fought at Waterloo.
It's pretty easy to paint them. They only differ in the colours of their collars, shoulder straps and the side stripe on their trousers.
In fact, painting these chaps is pure fun. All black, a few items, that's it. Plus it's only nine figures in total.
The figures are from Schilling miniatures.
They offer a wide range of Brunswick infantry figures, all metal.
I guess that I mustn't say that those are the best Brunswicker I know in 1/72, must I?
Additionally, I have a lot of cavalry figures on my desk. Which is, in fact, what takes the most time. Especially because apart from some Schmaeling French dragoons, they are all Franznaps - legendary for their details, but very time consuming to paint. For example, I can show you a few Austrian Uhlans I have recently painted:
Yes, there are some flaws on them which I need to correct, but I guess this snapshot gives you a little inspiration how great these chaps look when painted.
I have some Austrian hussars on my desk as well. One day, I will build a diorama with Austrian cavalry and infantry fighting Baden infantry. Which means I'll have to paint a lot of new figures.