And *swooop* away it is - the International Small Scale Convention 2014, which took place on October 4 in Heiden, is already history again.
Well - for the people at Bennos' forum booth, it was a nice and easy day out. If it was that much of a success for the traders, I don't know - apart from the hall being nearly as much filled with exhibitors and sellers as last time, the amount of visitors was unfortunately smaller then the year before.
I have been succesful in the competitions again, winning two bronze medals - one for the Westphalian diorama and one for a single figure of Marshal Poniatowski. Although in my opinion, this was the lower quality paintjob compared to the sapper which I also put into the contest. Well. Whatever.
But let me show you my own work in another posting, now it's time for a little impression of the many high-quality models that were presented at the show:
My part at Bennos' forum booth - with coffee&dyes, everythings' alright ;-) |
Lots and lots of ships at this booth |
This guy painted and collected all vehicles to build a complete Bundeswehr artillery batallion |
Baaaam! These colours!!! |
Soccer world champion 2014: Germany! Here's the plane that brought the team back home. :-) |
This guy has his own all-varieties-project in 1/72 planes. I'm not the only mad guy here. X-D |
Ent as Ent can |
"Well... I speculate that this doesn't look good..." |
A hell of a diorama - which won the top in the masters' competition |
Now imagine you would have drunken that... indianity... |
A detail of the 'Robinson' diorama |
...and another all-varieties-in-planes-guy... |
Watch the scale - I love these ultra-little sceneries! |
Can't help myself, I'm already looking forward for next years' exhibition. The quality of the stuff you see at Heiden is really amazing.
And as I have spent some money for dio stuff at the FredericusRex booth, I'm nearly fully equipped for my next two projects - which means that there's only one figure missing.
This time, it would be smaller things. Although I'm pretty happy with the Westphalian diorama, building something that huge (over 90 figures) is pretty time consuming and keeps me away from completing the other things I still have to complete.
See you soon for a presentation of all that work I did in the last months which I have not showed you yet.
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